Saturday 8 March 2014

Tea Tree For Me

For the past few years I have struggled with breakouts and have never really found a product that has effectively controlled my 'acne'. (My skin isn't terrible but I am self-conscious of it.) I have previously tried acne treatments such as Proactiv but I didn't see any dramatic differences, so when I saw heaps of positive reviews for the Body Shop's Tea Tree Facial Wash I was keen to give it a try. 

One of the things that really drew me to this product is that the ingredients list was not just a list of chemicals but included naturals ingredients such as Tea Tree oil and other seed oils. Another thing that stood out to me was that the product claimed to remove excess oil without drying the skin out. This non-drying effect is very important for oily skin because if too much oil is removed the skin is stimulated to create more, only making your skin oilier. 

I've been testing this product out for about a month and a half, using it once a day (at night) with the Body Shop's Facial Buffer. Both products are gentle enough to use twice a day if desired but if I'm being honest, I am not a morning person so I just couldn't be bothered to do an extensive skin care regime. Since beginning to use this product I have noticed my skin does not get as oily throughout the day and it looking more hydrated. However, I have not seen a dramatic change in the blemishes on my skin. I have not had any major breakouts but I still have a lot of those 'under skin' blemishes and the ever-present blackheads. So if your looking for a product that will change your skin immediately, then maybe this product isn't for you. I expect with prolonged use the effects will become more apparent.

Overall I have enjoyed this product because it leaves your skin feeling clean and hydrated. The product lasts for a long time, I have hardly made a dent in the bottle, so it is well worth its price. I am definitely interested in trying some of the Body Shop's other skincare items in the future.

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